Peru    Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Arequipa, 1994 (map, info, notes).

"It was six a.m. when the AeroPeru jet arrived in Lima. The night had seemed real long partly because an elderly senora let her head collapse on my shoulder every few minutes. She had earlier told me, almost apologetically, that Lima was not for tourists anymore, that it had lost its former charm, that it was now truly Lima la horrible. She then warily inquired whether Nueva Delhi was better or worse. I told her it was much the same which seemed to infuse her with a warm feeling for me, a silent solidarity of sorts. It not only encouraged her to unleash motherly advice on how to tackle Lima but just before disembarking she insisted that I take a small bottle of homemade Peruvian Chili sauce as a gift. Not a bad start, I thought." ( read more )

Cuzco / Machu Picchu

Cuzco Plaza de Armas

Cuzco-plaza-central1.jpg (203467 bytes)


Cuzco-rooftops.jpg (269056 bytes)

Aerial view

Cuzco-aerial-view.jpg (246913 bytes)

Life in town

Cuzco-town-look-n-feel.jpg (213752 bytes)

Cristo on the hill

Cuzco-cristo-alpaca-indians.jpg (234895 bytes)

Crafts market, Pisac

Pisac-market-1.jpg (282348 bytes)

Fruit of the loom

Pisac-market2.jpg (343834 bytes)

Village path

Andean-village-path.jpg (254742 bytes)

Fruit market

Indian-fruit-market.jpg (287931 bytes)


Ullantaytambo.jpg (202336 bytes)

Wall close-up

Ullantaytambo-wall.jpg (292936 bytes)

Inca ruins

Andean-ruins.jpg (297455 bytes)

Machu Picchu

Macchu-picchu1.jpg (239260 bytes)


Inca-terrace-farming.jpg (299832 bytes)

Fusion dance

Cuzco-Danza.jpg (228985 bytes)

Train in valley below

Valley-train-from-macchu-picchu.jpg (229597 bytes)

Plaza central

Teacher's union ...

... protest rally



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